October is the month of the Rosary

On October 7th, the Church celebrates the feast day of Mary, Queen of the Holy Rosary, The feast day was established by Pope Saint Pius V on the anniversary of the victory at Lepanto on October 7, 1571. The naval victory was attributed to the Virgin Mary whose intercession was entreated through the recitation of the Holy Rosary.

The Church then proceeded to dedicate the entire month of October to the Holy Rosary so that individuals, families, and communities would pray the Holy Rosary, if possible, on a daily basis for peace in the world.  - Courtesy of St. Josemaria Institute

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To serve as a channel through which the Catholic women of our Archdiocese, in harmony with church teachings, might utilize their unique talents in service to God by service to their fellow man and thus through Christian witnessing, win souls to Christ.


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